The tragic killing of George Floyd and subsequent scenes of violence and unrest around the world are shocking, heartbreaking and will no doubt have a profound effect on our families, colleagues, communities, and workplaces. To be clear, there is no place for racism or discrimination of any form in our society. Acts of racism or intolerance based on race, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity, etc., are incompatible with a society founded on the protection of the inalienable and fundamental human rights with which its citizens are endowed.
As a company and as a nation we are stronger when we are united and not divided. NDC Technologies is committed to ensuring the protection of individual human rights, diversity and equal justice not just in our workplace, but in our society as well.
While no words or efforts can undo past injustice, we can indeed create a new, better and more vibrant future by recognizing the diversity and value inherent in all people - in our communities, as well as, our workplaces. NDC Technologies will continue to invest in and expand our ongoing commitment to creating a company culture where these differences are not just recognized, embraced and celebrated but they become the underlying reason for our growth and sustained presence in the markets we serve.
Marti Nyman President NDC Technologies, Inc.